Invisalign Case Study: Amy Beech
Thu, 20th Jan 2022We recently shared a testimonial from one of our Invisalign patients, Amy Beech. Her Invisalign case study is well worth a read. We hope that Amy’s story can help other patients to see how their smiles can change with this innovative treatment.
In Amy’s Own Words
Amy’s case study is one that gives a real feeling of a life transformed by a new smile. It’s a heartwarming tale, told best by Amy herself – have a look at her video.
Amy was treated by Invisalign dentist Richard Lindsay. At the initial consultation, Richard used a 3D scanner to take pictures of Amy’s teeth. He was able to show Amy how her teeth would move gradually to their new positions, and how her smile would look in a few months’ time. Amy reminded us how she broke down in tears in the appointment, completely overwhelmed with what could be possible for her smile. She decided to go ahead and hasn’t looked back!
Over a number of months, some Amy wore a series of invisible aligners. Each aligner was uniquely designed for Amy, gradually moving her teeth bit by bit into their new positions.
Before & After Treatment
Amy now has beautifully straight teeth. She has described her new smile as “an incredible gift”. We all love Amy’s story, and it’s an Invisalign Case Study that really shows the benefit of treatment.
Smile view
Amy’s smile before and after Invisalign treatment
Anterior view
A full view of Amy’s smile.
Lower teeth view
The change in Amy’s lower teeth line.
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